Interface | Description |
TreeFeatureImportanceInference |
This interface exists for implementing the importance of features from tree
based models.
TreeLearner |
This interface provides a contract that allows for the mutation and pruning
of a tree using the
TreeNodeVisitor and related classes. |
Class | Description |
DecisionStump |
This class is a 1-rule.
DecisionTree |
Creates a decision tree from
DecisionStumps . |
DecisionTree.Node | |
ERTrees |
Extra Randomized Trees (ERTrees) is an ensemble method built on top of
ExtraTree . |
ExtraTree |
The ExtraTree is an Extremely Randomized Tree.
ID3 | |
ImportanceByUses | |
ImpurityScore |
ImpurityScore provides a measure of the impurity of a set of data points
respective to their class labels.
Mean Decrease in Accuracy (MDA) measures feature importance by applying the
classifier for each feature, and corruption one feature at a time as each
dataum its pushed through the tree.
Determines the importance of features by measuring the decrease in impurity
caused by each feature used, weighted by the amount of data seen by the node
using the feature.
RandomDecisionTree |
An extension of Decision Trees, it ignores the given set of features to use-
and selects a new random subset of features at each node for use.
RandomForest |
Random Forest is an extension of
Bagging that is applied only to
DecisionTrees . |
TreeNodeVisitor |
Provides an abstracted mechanism for traversing and predicting from nodes in
a tree meant for a supervised learning problem.
TreePruner |
Provides post-pruning algorithms for any decision tree that can be altered
using the
TreeNodeVisitor . |
Enum | Description |
ImpurityScore.ImpurityMeasure |
Different methods of measuring the impurity in a set of data points
based on nominal class labels
TreePruner.PruningMethod |
The method of pruning to use
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